About Us
"Empowering communities through compassion and action."
Who we are
USA-Nepal Community Outreach Network (UNCON) is a not-for-profit organization registered in the State of Texas on November 30, 2014. UNCON’s mission is to work with communities to help alleviate hunger & poverty and support for health care activities to the underprivileged people in Nepal and other parts of the world.
Our Mission
UNCON aims to assist underprivileged sectors in Nepal by providing short-term and long-term aid to disaster victims, supporting education, health, child protection, and women empowerment.
The organization receives gifts, endowment funds, and revenues from lawful sources to invest in these sectors.
UNCON also participates in and supports activities organized by other charity organizations in the USA to enhance the social and economic status of people in need.

Our Vision
We believe in equipping the people in need with the tools, education, training, and other supports in our capacity to bring about positive transformation together.
We believe every person has a responsibility to help improve the lives of others who are in need and to help build this world a better place.
We know that no one can change this world but we believe each one of us can contribute something which eventually will help in the positive transformation process.
Your role
You can empower a sector of a needy and struggling community by funding a project through UNCON.
You can visit the underprivileged areas of Nepal and volunteer to transform the skills and expertise that you have to the community in need.
You just contact UNCON and we will coordinate from that point.
You can donate the used tools or materials that can be used by the people in need, in those communities.

UNCON believes in everyone's potential for positive change and strives for equal opportunities for all, regardless of background or circumstances.

Help the people in need by supporting UNCON’s activities

UNCON by laws
Registered in Texas Tax Exempt Status with IRSA 501(c)3 organization.